Campobello di Mazara (Zip Code 91021) is 116 Km. distant from Agrigento, 186 Km. from Caltanissetta, 308 Km. from Catania, 227 Km. from Enna, 364 Km. from Messina, 105 Km. from Palermo, 252 Km. from Ragusa, 333 Km. from Siracusa, 64 Km. from Trapani, which province it belongs to.

The municipality has 12.478 inhabitants and its area measures 6.580 hectares; its population density is of 190 inhabitants per square kilometre. Campobello di Mazara rises on a hill zone, and it is placed 110 metres above the sea-level.

The town is an agricultural-industrial center and is well-known thanks to its production of olives and wine plantations.

Campobello di Mazara was founded in 1623 by Giuseppe Napoli, who possessed it since 1630 conferring on himself the title of Duke.

The Cathedral Church is consecrated to S. Maria delle Grazie; inside it is possible to admire the valuable Crucifix by Brother Umile from Petralia, and the beautiful simulacrum of Our Immaculate Lady too. Besides it can be cited the famous Torre dell’Orologio (Clock’s Tower) and the very beautiful Church of St. Michele (St. Michael’s Church).

Not far from Campobello di Mazara it is possible to visit the Cave di Cusa; it is the place from which Selinunte extracted calcareous tufa materials to build temples. 

Still now the various phases of the work of quarrying and of stone-dressing can be observed. Besides the Torretta Granitola is well-known; it is a fishing village, and on the rocky beach, frequented by tourists in summer, rise two ancient sight-towers.