Baucina (Zip Code 90020) is 116 km. far from Agrigento, 119 km. from Caltanissetta, 214 km. from Catania, 136 km. from Enna, 247 km. from Messina, 37 km. from Palermo, which province it belongs to, 252 km. from Ragusa, 308 km. from Siracusa, 136 km. from Trapani.

The municipality has 2.065 inhabitants and its area covers 2.434 hectares for a density of population of 85 inhabitants per square kilometre. Baucine rises on an internal hill zone and is 550 metres above sea-level.

The Town Hall is placed in via Umberto I n. 78, tel. ++39 091-8202295 eax. ++39 091-8202454.

Among its products we find the production of corn, cereals, legumes, wine and oil.

The stock-raising is enough and there is also the production of local buttermilk curd and cheese.

In the handicraft field it is present wrounght iron working and typical needle-works.

As regards the origin of the name of Baucina it is uncertain, probably it derives from the Greek word Baukòs, that means elegant, refined.

The centre has feudal origins and dates back to the early years of the XVII century. Since 1626 Baucina had been principality of Migliaccio family, marquises of Montemaggiore.

It is to remember the war memorial made by Piraino, inside the town park; the Cathedral Church consecrated to St. Rosalia that keeps the wood Crucifix by the school of Quattrocchi; the Church of the College, inside there is the urn with the remains of St. Fortunata, town’s matron.