Bolognetta (Zip Code 90030) is 114 km. distant from Agrigento, 117 km. from Caltanissetta, 224 km. from Catania, 136 km. from Enna, 255 km. from Messina, 25 km. from Palermo, which province it belongs to, 258 km. from Ragusa, 282 km. from Siracusa, 124 km. from Trapani.

The municipality has 3.438 inhabitants and its area is 2.758 hectares for a density of population of 125 inhabitants per square kilometre.

The small town rises on an inner hilly area and is 300 metres above sea-level.

The Town Hall is placed in piazza Caduti in Guerra n. 7, tel. ++39 091-8724037 fax. ++39 091-8724132. E-mail address is:

In the agricultural field there are products such as olives, vegetables, brosd beans, corn and grapes.

In the ancient period the name of the centre was Santa Maria d’Ogliastro, (St. Mary of Ogliastro) where oleaster in Sicilian is Agghiastru.

Then since 1882 it has been taken the name of Bolognetta, in homage to the first feudatory Vincenzo Bologna, marquise of Mineo.

After 1610 it was acquired by Marco Mancino a very rich Genoese merchant.

From an artistic point of view there is the Cathedral Church, erected in the same period in which the feud was founded.

It was rebuilt in 1785 and inside it keeps two statues made by the school of the Bagnasco.

It is anything recognizable of the old Baronial Palace which overlloked the small town.