Campobello di Licata (Zip Code 92023) is 52 Km. distant from Agrigento, the province it belongs to, 47 Km. from Caltanissetta, 173 Km. from Catania, 81 Km. from Enna, 274 Km. from Messina, 173 Km. from Palermo, 117 Km. from Ragusa, 198 Km. from Siracusa, 225 Km. from Trapani.

The municipality counts 11.881 inhabitants, its surface measures 8.090 hectares, and its population density is of 147 inhabitants per square kilometre.

It rises on an a hilly area, 324 meters above the sea-level.

Renowned agricultural country town, Campobello di Licata stands out for the production of grapes, almonds, and olives. Sheep farms are flourishing. Handcrafted wood and paper objects are typical. 

The name Campobello was attributed to the town because of the soil’s conspicuous fertility.

The suburb was founded in 1681, when the Duke of Montalbo Raimondo Ramondetta achieved the “licentia populandi” from Carlo II of Spain. In 1812, the town became independent as the feudal rights were abolished.

The most relevant monuments are the Chiesa Madre, dedicated to S. Giovanni Battista and erected during the XVIII century, with a characteristic baroque facade, and the Chiesa dell’Addolorata, that goes back to the XVIII century.