Canicattì, about 34,000 inhabitants, is located in the province of Agrigento. Its name, of Arab origin, apparently testifies to the Arabian presence on this area in past ages. Among its rulers were the De Crescenzi family, in the mid-1400s, and the Bonannos, for some 300 years and highly contributed to its growth. The coming of several religious orders was recorded during the latter’s rule. Notably under the Prince Giacomo I Bonanno, the city expanded its boundries.

The tour of the town comprises stops at the Bonanno Castle, the Teatro Sociale, the Villa Municipale, and the Torre-Orologio (clock-tower); religious building such as the Chiesa Madre – dedicated to San Pancrazio and home to precious pieces of art, like a marble statue representing the Ecce Homo and a painting of the Holy Family with S. Anna and S. Gioacchino – and the 1600’s Church of the Holy Spirit, with an imposing look and divided into three naves. Minor churches are dedicated to San Diego, San Giuseppe, the Purgatory – dating from the 1700s –. San Francesco and the Madonna della Rocca, dating from the 1800s. In the city surroundings standss the 1800’s Villa Ferriato built by Baron Francesco Lombardo.