Custonaci (Zip Code 91015) is 190 km. distant from Agrigento, 260 km. from Caltanissetta, 337 km. from Catania, 241 km. from Enna, 347 km. from Messina, 88 km. from Palermo, 326 km. from Ragusa, 390 km. from Siracusa, 21 km. from Trapani, which province it belongs to.

The municipality has 4.697 inhabitants and its area is of 6.959 hectares; its population density is of 67 inhabitants per square kilometre. The center rises on a hilly area and is 217 metres above the sea-level.

The Town Hall is placed in piazza Municipio, tel. ++39 0923-971711 fax. ++39 0923-973422.

Custonaci is a small agricultural center and among its agricultural products are present grapes, olives and cereals. In this field cattle and sheep breedings are present. The town’s economy is now connected to the marble quarrying, especially botticino marble, which is very precious and appreciated.

Custonaci derives its name from the Greek Kustunaki (small chestnut), probably influenced by custuny, which is the rock slope of the Mount Cofano. 

It rose at the end of XVIII century, following up the Bourbon enterprises about taking a census and assigning uncoltiveted lands.

The settling down expanded according to an orthogonal impiant around the Sanctuary of the Our Lady which is an important place of cult and a destination for pilgrims and folkloristic processions. After 1948 it became a self-governing municipality.

Nearby it is possible to visit the Grotta di Scurati, in which is present a real village, made up of houses and little streets. It was utilized as anti-aircraft shelter during World War II and is the seat of an evocative living crib which takes place every year. Another archaeological area is the grotta Miceli in which line engraving belonging to the Palaeolithic period.