The municipality has 7.213 inhabitants and an area of 981 hectares for a population density of 735 inhabitants per square kilometre. It rises on a hilly area along the coast and is 123 metres above sea-level. 

Main(Zip Code 98044) is 293 km. distant from Agrigento, 223 km. from Caltanissetta, 131 km. from Catania, 182 km. from Enna, 40 km. from Messina, which province it belongs to, 221 km. from Palermo, 219 km. from Ragusa, 189 km. from Siracusa, 320 km. from Trapani. economic activity is agriculture. Products mostly cultivated are citrus fruit, wine-grapes, olives, corn, fruit.

San Filippo derives its name from abbey of San Filippo here founded by the count Roger the Norman. The addition derives from the homonymous river placed nearby the small town.
There are not many historical information about San Filippo but the centre was founded by Normans round the abbey in the XI century and has belonged to it for long time.

The most interesting monument is the Cathedral. It was begun in 1760 by Giovan Battista Vaccarini (1702-1768) and has got a valuable neo-gothic front.

A typical feast of the village is dedicated to patron saint, Madonna del Carmine, and takes place every year on 16 July.